Author Archives: adrian
Why I’m so angry with a brewery
I could burble about the disastrously regressive nature of the George Osborne’s Comprehensive Spending Review, the misrepresentation of how the economy got in this state and the lies behind the “all in this together” line. But I won’t. Lots of … Continue reading
Custom Transcription – new site
My little freelance transcription sideline is always a going concern, but while we’ve all been putting a lot of energy into jamtrackcentral I haven’t really done much to market myself. There hasn’t even been a website for about two years, … Continue reading
Catching up, post-summer 2010
Blimey, didn’t intend that to be quite such a long blog hiatus. That’s summer for you, I guess… there are always plenty of alternatives to sitting in front of a computer, typing shite. Not that I haven’t been doing any … Continue reading
Facebook lies
I suppose we already know that they like to play fast and loose with our personal data, so it’s not surprising that a few people have been noticing something like this recently… Er, no I haven’t! It’s hardly worth getting … Continue reading
Posterouses… Posteri…?
I’ve tweaked my Posterous blogs slightly, mostly because I’ve an idea for another one in the near future and wanted to reserve one of the existing usernames for it. So, in case you need more of my bilge than can … Continue reading
Lame browser, Dave.
The government has decided it’s quite happy to keep using Internet Explorer 6 as its official web browser of choice. A nine-year-old piece of software that never adhered to commonly agreed standards of usability even back in 2001. So when … Continue reading
The rise of the glorified security stooge
Some scary abuse-of-power stuff here… The Private Police State Nope, it’s nothing to do with protesting in Parliament Square or marching through Westminster or taking photos of police snipers. It’s about transgressing the arbitrary social code of a bunch of … Continue reading
Ban the berk (-ah)
This all seems pretty simple to me… you can’t start banning items of clothing. The burqa and niqab are clearly far more controversial and symbolically loaded than the average pair of socks or woolly sweater, but the wholesale ban of … Continue reading
He’s not God, he’s just a naughty boy
Despite the potentially damaging nature of the bad refereeing decisions (suffered by England and Mexico) in the second round, the controversy was fairly short-lived. There’s always another controversy round the corner, and the hot issue is now Luis Suarez’s deliberate … Continue reading