Category Archives: Art/Culture
Save the libraries!
Today is Save Our Libraries Day, a national day of protest, action and awareness raising against library cuts. I’ve been using libraries for almost my entire life. I can just about (albeit hazily) remember being 3 or 4 and going … Continue reading
Plum Pie
A celebration of our finest humorous writer? At a distinguished bookshop in Mayfair? Plum Pie: The Life & Work of PG Wodehouse With tours of Wodehousean Mayfair by a Lt-Col Murphy? How could a chap possibly miss such an opportunity? … Continue reading
Wholesomeness transcends cultural boundaries
Camp Quest, the summer “freethought” camp, has come to Britain and is running right now. Some of the froth in the media has been amusing (particularly the hilarious Dawkins sets up kids’ camp to groom atheists in the Sunday Times) … Continue reading
Infinite Summer
… or “why I love Twitter #237″. One of my Twitter friends (or followers, if you prefer) is the groovy solo bassist Steve Lawson. In one of his tweets he mentioned his namesake. I’m a nosey Twitterer, and regularly follow … Continue reading
Save Bletchley Park
No idea whether these Number 10 petitions ever work, but this is a vitally important campaign… Saving Bletchley Park Would we ever have to petition the government to save the Cabinet War Rooms? No, of course not. In terms of … Continue reading
Preserve Auschwitz!
Cash crisis threat to Auschwitz (BBC) That’s worrying. I’m amazed that a site of such historical importance could ever find itself in such a precarious financial position… it’s on the UNESCO list of world heritage sites, and Poland is now … Continue reading
Does Satch have a case?
Although my days of listening wide-eyed to Joe Satriani are long gone (I haven’t really enjoyed anything he’s done since 1995) I was still pretty surprised to see his name appear on the BBC website. Satch vs Coldplay in plagiarism … Continue reading
Oliver Postgate 1925-2008
Bagpuss and Ivor creator dies (BBC) A man whose quirky, homemade short films can still take me to a nostalgic place where I’m eight years old, all is right in the world and there’s going to be lots of snow … Continue reading
Sorry to go on about this, but…
In light of my own plea to “JUST LET IT LIE!” I suppose this is a bit hypocritical, but I couldn’t resist recommending the responses of two of my favourite comedy writers to the Granddaughtergate Scandal… David Mitchell – How … Continue reading