One of my favourite radio programmes is Laurie Taylor’s Thinking Allowed on Radio 4… it manages to hit a nice middle ground of eclectic, intelligent discussion without going full-on academic.
A recent edition focused on the concept of fandom, specifically music fandom among mature women. The two expert guests had studied the loyal followers of Duran Duran and death metal. To clarify the concept of death metal for Confused of Camberley, a short burst of an Arch Enemy song was included.
In the following week’s postbag, among the clarifications, disagreements and delight at hearing Arch Enemy on Radio 4, came a letter from an annoyed metal geek. He pointed out that Arch Enemy were an entirely unsuitable example of the death metal genre, being from the typically Gothenburg-based sub-genre of melodic death metal.
When the final days come, these are the people we need to be taking into the bunkers, not the military and political leaders.