Category Archives: Art/Culture
More for that wall…
Remember I was moaning about Universal Music and their blinkered, litigious greed? Well, how about we move up a level through the music industry hierarchy to that noble umbrella organisation, the Recording Industry Association of America… RIAA Petitions Judges to … Continue reading
Come the revolution, that wall is going to be very crowded…
I give you Doug Morris, CEO of Universal Music. For a CEO of a major producer of electronic media, Doug doesn’t seem to be too comfortable with the modern world. First of all, he knows exactly what we’re all doing … Continue reading
FilmFour on Freeview
Now that’s what I call good news! In this household’s occasional ruminations upon whether we could justify paying for a subscription-based cable or satellite TV service, FilmFour represented the main motivation for doing so (along with the Italian football, since … Continue reading
A weekend in Rouen
And on the subject of the previous entry, here’s what I did last weekend. Nicola’s Mum had always wanted to see Claude Monet’s house and garden at Giverny, so we decided to combine that with a long weekend in nearby … Continue reading
Alf Clausen and the Simpsons
Working through the vast backlog of “ooh, that looks interesting” podcasts I’ve downloaded recently, I found a great little feature on Alf Clausen, composer of all the background and incidental music on “The Simpsons”… basically, everything except for Danny Elfman’s … Continue reading
“I’d like to make the Smiths eat dirt!”
Ivor Cutler 1923-2006 The world will be a duller place without him…
Thoughts on the Muhammed cartoon affair
With complex, controversial issues such as the Muhammed cartoon affair, there’s a temptation to avoid voicing an opinion at all. Whichever side of the argument you take, you’ll inevitably find yourself in the company of some unsavoury bedfellows. However, that’s … Continue reading
Literary ramblings
About a year ago, I wrote a few paragraphs in an attempt to summarise a few things about 2004. I may write one for 2005, we’ll see. However, re-reading that piece just now, the bit that grabbed my attention most … Continue reading
The Space Race
I’m not a consumer of “Reality TV”. I watched the first series of Big Brother, as it seemed like such a great idea for a social experiment. Everything else I’ve seen of the reality genre has made me want to … Continue reading
Turner Whistler Monet
Ebay is rapidly becoming a universal solution for 21st century life, and it can only be a matter of time before they launch their own superfast network independent from the rest of the Internet. With a terminal in every room … Continue reading