Category Archives: Travel
A weekend in Rouen
And on the subject of the previous entry, here’s what I did last weekend. Nicola’s Mum had always wanted to see Claude Monet’s house and garden at Giverny, so we decided to combine that with a long weekend in nearby … Continue reading
Murphy’s Law
Apologies for the lack of blog content just lately… the usual combination of busy and lazy. It was my birthday yesterday, and my (combined Xmas/birthday) present from Nicola was a weekend in Cork. I’ve been wanting and intending to go … Continue reading
Antipodean Pictures
Well, I intended to do this weeks ago, but time management isn’t one of my greatest skills. Still, it’s better late than never… a selection of photos from our recent trip to Australia is now up on Flickr… Australia 2005 … Continue reading
Happy new commute!
Another new year, another rail price hike. Price rises at twice the rate of inflation are bad enough, but the BBC table doesn’t give the full story. I bought a one-day Travelcard today (for non-London readers, a ticket giving unlimited … Continue reading
Airline security – still lacking?
With travelling still reasonably fresh in my mind, a quick rant about a tangential issue. I’ve travelled by aeroplane more than ten times since 11 September 2001. The tragedy of that day should have engendered massive changes in the way … Continue reading
Trans-Siberian journal now online
As promised, I’ve typed up and html-ified the travel journal we hastily scribbled during our recent holiday. There’s eight pages of it, so don’t feel you have to read it just to be polite ;-) Adrian and Nicola’s Trans-Siberian Adventure … Continue reading
Well, I intended to add updates here, but time just wasn’t co-operating. The few short blasts of internet cafe time I had just weren’t enough for anything more than email checking and keeping in touch with #ukmg so apologies for … Continue reading
Wiltshire, wapblogging and whaaaaaaaaaaaaa???
Well, that was a good weekend. Excellent weather, beautiful scenery, fine beer and friendly people. Despite going to Wiltshire on a regular basis (Nicola hails from Devizes, where her parents still live) there’s just so much of it I haven’t … Continue reading
The real Qwghlm?
Interesting little bit of trivia for Neal Stephenson fans. Try typing the fictional place name “Qwghlm” into Multimap… the resulting map shows the village of Quholm in Orkney. (thanks to Chris Applegate’s qwghlm blog)
Brussels II
So, anyway… after spending a pleasant, if cash-strapped, day in Payottenland, we got the bus into central Brussels (after a brief worry that our last Euros wouldn’t be enough for the fare. Yay for Belgium’s cheap public transport… only 80 … Continue reading