Well, that was a good weekend. Excellent weather, beautiful scenery, fine beer and friendly people. Despite going to Wiltshire on a regular basis (Nicola hails from Devizes, where her parents still live) there’s just so much of it I haven’t seen, and like Surrey (another chalky, rollingly hilly place) it’s often under-rated.
Which reminds me… I posted brief summaries of each day’s walking on my Live Journal. If you’re a regular reader here, you might not know about the Spaghetti Factory Mobile. Mostly, I use LJ for an easy-to-follow compilation of several blogs (via the “Friends” function) and to alert other LJ users of my posts here on the main blog. However, I also use a service called Wapblogger which allows me to post to my Live Journal from my phone, so you’ll often find content there which doesn’t end up on this site.
Catching up on my blog reading this morning, I’ve just seen (via Ben Hammersley) something truly horrible. I hate to do this to you, but I want to help you to see the full range of human experience, so grit your teeth and enjoy the Princess Diana Portrait Baby Doll.
When you’ve recovered, you can go up a level and browse the complete Princess Diana Doll series. Yes, there are so many to choose from, imbued with a level of kitsch that would make Jeff Koons gag and presented with the sort of design skills you’d expect from an eight-year-old girl’s school project. On that subject, the “You’re Not Really Trying, Are You?” award for Diana Doll ineptitude must go to Peggy Nisbet’s efforts… is that Gary Lineker?