I know the Chancellor’s dull, but…

Is Ed Stourton feeling the pinch after yesterday’s budget? From an “in the next hour” preview on this morning’s Today programme…

and we’ll ask if it’s time to revive the children’s adventure story… and the chancellor, Alistair Darling

Nah, I’d hold the pillow down a bit longer, if I were you.

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2 Responses to I know the Chancellor’s dull, but…

  1. Antal says:

    last night (or tuesday, i can’t remember) i was flipping channels and happened to see mr.darling speaking to the people on bbc2. for a brief moment i thought it was comedy. apparently it wasn’t.

  2. adrian says:

    I always grin a little when I see him, because I can’t help thinking of Captain Darling on Blackadder, with Stephen Fry saying “thank you, Darling”.

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