New (-ly reworked old) music

I’ve been re-evaluating some old recordings recently. I find that some of the tunes I’ve made for the Guitarist Collective can sound a bit uncomfortably contrived; not surprisingly, as they were all made to fit the monthly challenges. I quite like several of the basic concepts, though, so I’ve been looking into ways of making them sound a bit more “composed”.

The latest one is “The Man Who Said No”. In its original Collective form, it used to be “Traffic Island”, but I never really liked the ugly, soaring rawk lead guitar in the middle. I’ve added some new parts, tweaked some others, and remixed the whole thing.

My music site is down (itself waiting for reinvention!) at the moment, but you can hear “The Man Who Said No” on my Myspace page. There’s a couple more old tunes I want to rework or re-record, and then I might just manage to create something NEW… ;-)

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One Response to New (-ly reworked old) music

  1. Steve Collins says:

    well…don’t rework “Croyden…”

    That is just fine as it is thank you :-)

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