As you know, I always like to support people who Do Their Stuff independently of the corporate mainstream. And when those people are my friends, hey, they even get free advertising here!
Jon Boyes is a classical and flamenco guitarist based in south-west England, and his debut album “Haçienda” is now available from his website. It’s a great little mix of Spanish-flavoured guitar instrumentals, with some really interesting arrangements and plenty of great playing. The perfect antidote to all those generic easy-listening Spanish guitar albums.
Bill Jehle started off releasing quirky instrumental music. He then did a multimedia CD showing how he built guitars and used them to create more quirky instrumental music. He’s now taken the next step and released a DVD, “How to Build a Guitar: The String, Stick, Box Method”.
Go and support these people by buying their products! They put my own lack of productivity to shame…