Bill Jehle interview

Regular readers may know that I contribute to the Guitarist Home Recording Collective, a fun little Net community involving guitarists of all styles and ability levels. One of my Collective friends, Bill Jehle, has released an independent CD of his music, and is working on building up a little network of publicity, including an interview with his local newspaper. Go Bill!

With the entertainment industry hurtling ever closer to the “one world label”, fiercely independent music is our only hope of preserving the spirit of adventure which has existed throughout music history. While distribution was previously a major hurdle to the independent musician with no access to the carpet bombing approach of the major labels, the Internet is constantly opening new pathways, allowing for finely specified links between musicians and listeners.

Oh, and while I’m on this subject, remind me to say something about the Great British Music Debate which was on BBC Radio 2 last night…

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