Another me in a different world

Funny what you find when you go through your webstats. One of the referrers to my site was from the personal site of a guy named Ami Mukerjee. He’s a law student from New Jersey. His site looks uncannily like this one in terms of basic layout and structure, and in his blog, he mentions having copied some code from another site. I just think that’s amazingly cool… the idea that someone has learned something from what I’ve done and used it to make their own life more fun. Whoa! And he likes the Flaming Lips, which is wonderful.

At this juncture, I should pay tribute to my own inspirations. Building navigation menus in “ul” tags is pretty popular these days; I first got the idea from waferbaby last year and put it to use on my Recording Collective site. Then there’s the layout inspiration – Mark Newhouse’s Real World Style. Mark kindly replied to my emails with some useful CSS tips.

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