Congestion charge

Also on a political theme, but in a far more localised sense, central London’s Congestion Charge began today. Now, as a non-driving, willing user of public transport, I’m prepared to admit I may be too biased to have a balanced view, but this is my blog…

I do sympathise with people who are not exempt from the charge, but still have to drive around London as part of their jobs. They (especially if they’re on low wages) are notable examples of how the system obviously isn’t perfect. However, that doesn’t include City traders who can’t cope with not driving their Porsches and Mercedes into work, and wouldn’t deign to sit with other people on bus, tube or train. They can suck goat prong.

Oddly, the majority of protesting voices I’ve heard on TV/radio have been upper-class. Everyone else has already realised the blind, time-wasting stupidity of trying to drive into central London, especially to and from work. Sure, public transport isn’t exactly stress-free, but at least you can read your book and eat your sandwich. One woman on the BBC TV news explained, plummily aghast, how this final straw might even give her cause to leave her car at home. Well halle-bleedin-lujah! All the benefits of a comfortably middle-class upbringing and education and it’s taken her this long to understand the fundamental nature of efficient urban transport…

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