Zappa on “Crossfire”

Whatever did we do in the days before Youtube? Here’s an excerpt from the US current affairs debate show “Crossfire”, featuring Frank Zappa and Washington Time writer John Lofton slugging it out over rock music censorship…

Frank Zappa on Crossfire 1986

Twenty years on, the hysteria over sexually explicit lyrics and videos has now largely died down, with only occasional outbreaks of angst over rap and, of course, the Jerry Springer Opera here in the UK. However, some things haven’t changed, as this quote from Frank illustrates…

“The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America towards a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened during the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.”

The shaved monkey has changed, but the message is the same! By the way, if John Lofton’s contributions to the debate irritate you as much as they did me, you’ll just love his blog, full of right-wing fundamentalist drivel.

Zappa made another appearance on Crossfire the following year, which you can watch via iFilm. Faced with the icky self-righteousness of the PMRC’s Rev. Jeff Ling, you can hardly blame him.

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2 Responses to Zappa on “Crossfire”

  1. I don’t think Frank does his argument any favours in his interview/contribution. The co-presenter gets the point across much better when trying to raise the issue that there is no credible statistical link with “rock” music (George Michael????…eh?) and AIDS/teenage pregnancy and that music has always used sex as a lyrical tool.

    Frank COULD have been a little softer and open in his reasons for opposition instead of the one word replies which made him look a little dismissive. As for the Rev. Jeff Ling, I didn’t think he was that bad…the other guy however was a total arsehole!!!

    Franks best point was when he mentioned about love and why, as a nation is America not abound with love for each other, if music is such a potent force. If he had really forced that home then THAT would have reduced their argument to a steaming pile of dog doo-doo (to coin a Zapperism).

  2. Jeff Ling says:

    Wow – icky self-righteousness? I do admit to some pride at times like most folks but I’m pretty much in touch with my own brokenness and hypocrisy. If you’re ever curious about the inside story, let me know.



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