Please queue up and ridicule this man

This man is Robert Kilroy Silk, the UK Independence Party’s Member of European Parliament for the East Midlands region. He used to be a daytime TV talk show host, but even that doesn’t excuse the stupidity of some of the things he says. Here’s, thanks to Jeremy, is his latest brainspew, regarding those mythical hordes of asylum seekers who pour into Britain every hour of the day, taking our jobs and our women and lowering our house prices…

“We’ll have no more than 100,000 in and every one of them will have to show they have skills, aptitudes and abilities that make a contribution to British society and the economy.”

Let’s go a step further. Let’s also make sure that this country is in a fit state to receive those fine, upstanding immigrants who satisfy Kilroy’s criteria. Every single British citizen should also show that they have the skills, aptitudes and so on. Yes, Kilroy, you ludicrous cock, that means you too.


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