With all those links to so many Wonderful Things appearing every day on Boing Boing, I find myself becoming more and more selective about what I actually click on. It’s a shame, but real life has a habit of getting in the way, and there’s only so much surfing time in a day. That said, though, I’ve been in danger of following every link just lately. A couple of back-to-back gems from yesterday, repeated here for the (modest) extra propagation potential I can provide…
This Goatse tribute page made me laugh out loud several times. It’s not quite as crushingly non-worksafe the original Goatse (if you don’t know what that is, read this worksafe Wikipedia entry) but you may want to leave it until the boss is out of the room.
And then there’s the story of the bilingual wash instructions on a US-made laptop bag. The French section, along with the usual clothing label details, contains the text “We are sorry that our President is an idiot. We didn’t vote for him.”