New music – “Playful Pizzicato”

My musical output kind of fizzled out in the second half of last year. The problem wasn’t a lack of creativity, though… just a lack of time. I find that I need large chunks of free time in order to get the necessary mental focus for recording, so when I only have short periods, I’ll do other things, such as practising or learning new stuff. The new (and, as yet, unveiled) projects that contributed to this lack of free time will soon be out of the way, so I’m hoping to get a lot more music finished this year, not least as part of the Guitarist Home Recording Collective.

This year’s first recording is for a Collective task, the challenge being to arrange a piece of classical music. The obvious thing would have been to record a classical guitar piece, but for years now I’ve had the urge to arrange a string quartet for multiple electric guitars. I have a mental shortlist of pieces which would be suitable for this, and for the first experiment, I went for Benjamin Britten’s “Playful Pizzicato”, the second movement of his Simple Symphony…

Playful Pizzicato (4.7MB mp3)

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