Blame Canada!

Pointed out on #ukmg by pádraig, this Wired article article tells of a Canadian man who found his Ebay purchase was cancelled by the American seller. The reason given was that the seller, a company called CompAtlanta has the following policy…

At the present time we will not honor bids from Canada, Mexico, France, Germany or any other country that does not support the United States in our efforts to rid the world of Saddam Hussein.

Of course! It’s so obvious! Our countries are spending billions of dollarpounds, risking the lives of thousands of healthy, hearty young men and causing untold damage to Iraqi cities and infrastructure, but there’s no need. To remove the evil of Saddam Hussein, all you have to do is not sell shit to Canadians or Mexicans. Watch him disappear in a puff of smoke as a Seattle branch of McDonalds refuses to sell a burger to a passing salesman from Vancouver…

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