The post-Posterous world

For the past year and a bit, I’ve had a couple of blogs on Posterous, mostly for stuff that was too long for Twitter, but too short to warrant full blog posts here. One was for musical recommendations and discoveries, the other for daft little photos I took in everyday life.

What’s that? You didn’t even know they were there? Well, you’ve pretty much missed them now, as I’ll probably remove them soon. I’ve just got so annoyed with how slow and sludgy Posterous is now, and the way it adds so much redundant HTML to Rich Text input. It’s enough of a pain just writing the posts, so I can’t really expect anyone to sit there waiting for the pages to load, purely in order to read my daydreamy drivel.

I know there’s Tumblr (and others) but y’know what? I can’t be arsed. These things start off as quirky, useful little ideas and then the developers lose the thread. I’m not so conceited that I need a Facebook “like” button on my Posterous blog… I’m happy for it to stand alone in its own corner of the internet. So… I’ll probably incorporate the most “lasting” posts into this blog, and continue those posts here. All old Posterous imports will be marked with a “posterous” tag, and I’ll find some way of dividing this blog into big posts, photo posts, quick recommendations, etc.

Anyway, as you were…

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2 Responses to The post-Posterous world

  1. David Morton says:

    Posterous is free, carries no advertising yet you complain about its performance.

    Spotify performs to your—apparent—satisfaction, has an option to pay to turn off the advertising, yet here you’re complaining about the advertising on the free service.

    Respectfully, I suggest that you’ve lost touch with what we can reasonably expect of free services.

  2. adrian says:

    Posterous is fine, really… it’s just not working for my purposes any more.

    Spotify was beyond my wildest dreams for a while, and the advertising was an acceptable interruption, given the breadth of the service. But then (for me personally, obviously) the adverts gradually became the primary focus… it’s impossible to listen to e.g. a classical symphony without thinking “uh-oh, this segue to the next bit is going to be ruined by an advert”.

    I’m sure I will pay for the full-fat Spotify at some point; it’s just that the increasing aggression of their advertising makes me feel less affection for them. All the free jamtrackcentral stuff is funded by advertising, but we’ve always been terrified of making that too overbearing and detracting from the actual content… that’s probably why I get annoyed at Spotify, even though they’re just a tad bigger than us :)

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