Same s(h)ite, different wrapper

Right, here we go…

I’ve installed WordPress and done a few simple tweaks to ensure basic functionality. Apart from that, it’s all pretty raw at the moment; I really just wanted to get something up and running.

The next thing to do is decide on a redesign… I’ve got a few ideas floating around at the moment, but nothing certain. In fact, I did come up with a design a few weeks ago that I really liked, but looking at it this morning, I like it less. I’m keen to avoid all of those multiple shades of grey, fine dividing lines and sweeping landscape photos that scream “web geek with no sense of humour”. So I’m not rushing anything. All I know is that it’ll be a contrast to the previous monochrome design.

After that, I’ll reincorporate all of the old content, along with a few new ideas. It looks like it’s pretty tricky to import old Greymatter files into the latest WordPress, so I may just have to create the archives manually. It’ll be a long job, but at least I can add categories as I go along.

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5 Responses to Same s(h)ite, different wrapper

  1. adrian says:

    Yeah, I did originally intend to use that, but apparently it doesn’t work too well with the latest version of WP.

  2. premiump says:

    I have decided to follow your lead and migrate to wordpress and all it entails.

    Watch this space … (well, not THIS space, obviously).

  3. adrian says:

    Let me know if you need any help! It’s pretty easy to get it set up to the level I’m using it, as long as you can set up a mysql database on your webspace.

    If you’re looking to keep the comment spam out, there’s the standard Akismet plug-in, although that just quarantines the spam, so it still uses your bandwidth and server space. With that in mind, I’m also using “Did you pass math?” to generate the random number thing… you can download that from the big WordPress Codex site.

  4. premiump says:

    Thanks, I’ll get back to you on that :o)

    I have just registered with godaddy and got 5gb of space with 250gb of bandwidth for a year for under £30! Bargain.

    I’m just waiting for dns to catch up (probably tomorrow) then I’ll get stuck in.

    The “did you pass math?” is great, it beat me the first time ;o)

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