Posthumously acting like royalty?

However much I try to put aside my political leanings, to see things objectively, I still fail to understand why Ronald Reagan’s funeral should be shown live, in full, on the BBC. Granted, he had an impact on political life in this country through his relationship with Margaret Thatcher, but he wasn’t unique in that. What’s more, it’s not as if that impact was a particularly positive one; last year’s war in Iraq wasn’t the first time it felt as though Britain was being used as a pawn in the chaotic foreign policy of a bumbling idiot, way out of his depth in the White House. When General Pinochet dies, will his funeral be on UK TV? Will Thatcher read a eulogy to him?

So, if those affectionately revisionist accounts of the dear old Gipper and the wonderful things he did for us all start to get you down, here’s a nice little antidote.

(Thanks to Matt for the link)

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