Blog. Blogging. Blogger. See Jack blog.
For a hobby/fad/lifestyle choice which is (or isn’t, depending on who you believe) taking the materialistic portion of the world by storm, it’s a pretty stupid name. Childishly lopping off an unwanted syllable isn’t generally a sure-fire way of creating a great buzzword (yes, you people who refer to this box as your “puter”, I’m talking to you… stop it now).
Also, whatever the etymology, it’s a pretty ugly word, occupying the same phonetic ballpark as blag, bludge, bilge and burglary. Well… yeah, okay… that’s not entirely inappropriate, given some of the available product, but imagine my delight when I noticed that my ever fragrant friend Rick Booth had come up with a much better word: Fuwking. Frequently Updated Website Keeping. See? Much better, and more importantly, it’s a cool acronym. Say it now. Say it over and over again, and before long everyone will be fuwking.