I guess I’ll be moving out, then…

Dear Mr Blunkett,

I’ve been reading about your plans for new citizenship ceremonies involving singing the national anthem and swearing an oath of allegiance to the Queen and the Union Flag. I assume this is only for new immigrants, and won’t be carried out retrospectively for existing British citizens, but nonetheless I feel I have to come clean and tell you the truth.

The thing is, I feel such a fraud. I’ve been living in Britain for 35 years and have never sworn an oath of allegiance to the Queen. I have absolutely no intention to do so, either. I’m sure she’s a nice old lady, but I don’t go around swearing oaths of allegiance to every nice old lady I meet. They have better things to do with their time, like buying catfood and presenting shiny shillings to grubby-faced urchins. And in the grand parade of old ladies, a particularly rich and powerful one whom I’ve never met, who exists as part of a social system I disagree with, the Queen isn’t someone I’m about to swear allegiance to in a hurry.

Then there’s the matter of this song. To be honest, if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not subject anyone to the horrors of my singing, but if I must, I’d rather pick something I like. I mean, let’s face it, that “God Save the Queen” thing is a heap of crap, isn’t it? I wouldn’t wish death on any old lady (well… hmmmm… ) but I’d rather God would just leave the Queen to take her chance in the old Mortality Lottery, just like the rest of us. And even if I did somehow agree to sing a song supporting a ruthlessly exclusive feudal system, I’d at least want it to be a decent tune, not a simplistic dirge.

All in all, Mr Blunkett, I’m really sorry. I’ve hung around here for so long, wasting your time and giving you the wrong impression. I made the mistake of thinking that being British amounted to more than submitting to aristocratic rule and the symbolism of a piece of patterned fabric. I’d hoped that my love for our countryside and our architecture and my hope that our people could be good to each other and form a progressive society would be enough. I’d better get my coat, hadn’t I?

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