This is really bad. Admittedly, as a fan of A.C. Fiorentina and Italian football in general, I’m biased, but all football fans should be worried about what’s happening in Italy.
Having been relegated to Serie B at the end of last season, Fiorentina have now been refused entry to that division after failing to pay off an agreed portion of their enormous debts. Officially, the punishment would be having to start from the amateur league, but there’s hope that the Viola may just go down to Serie C1. Which is bad enough in itself – what hope is there of keeping players such as Chiesa, Mijatovic, di Livio and Nuno Gomes even in Serie B, never mind Serie C?
What’s more, this is indicative of Italian and European football as a whole. The business side of the sport is spiralling out of control, with all major football federations equally guilty. The only difference is that Italian clubs have been unlucky enough to be hit hardest. Sure, the wages and transfer fees are ridiculous, but that’s true of Spain and England, too. Our clubs fare better through greater financial caution, but that’s ultimately only to appease the money-grabbing shareholders.
Be very afraid…