Prescott in “absolutely spot on” shocker!

I don’t know whether it’s a sign of new-found confidence after discovering his inner cowboy, but John Prescott seems to be talking a lot of sense today.

Or is it the monkey/typewriter thing? Record his random burblings for long enough and there’s a statistical certainty that he’ll eventually say “Look Tony, everyone in the cabinet thinks your special friend George is a complete moron”.

I’d always seen Prescott as northern club comedian, trapped in the body of a fake politician. I was convinced that it was only a matter of time before we’d see him at a press conference, looking oddly confused before blurting out: “Now, my mother-in-law… she’s SO FAT”. But with lines like this, maybe he’s actually a mid-80s alternative comedian trapped in the body of a fake politician. “I tell you, my live-in partner’s mother is SO THIN, because she’s a cruelly exploited member of Thatcher’s disenfranchised working class”…

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2 Responses to Prescott in “absolutely spot on” shocker!

  1. premiump says:


    I love the way every printed picture of Prezza captures his scowl to perfection.

  2. Ross says:


    JP *is* Les Dawson and I claim my five pounds.


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