Party like it’s 1996

New Labour’s biggest domestic sleazefest seems to be cooling down slightly, but I’m sure it’ll all get stirred up again once new evidence is found. I know it’s irrational, but I feel much more of an urge for harsh justice than I ever did with any of the Tory sleaze scandals back in the nineties. I dunno, maybe it’s because this government has turned out to be so disappointing after all the promise, whereas I became numbed to the grotesque lack of principles displayed by the Thatcher/Major lot.

The complexities of the Jowell/Mills case are threatening (conveniently) to obscure the real issues, but let’s not forget the central questions. Was the money from Berlusconi? Was it a bribe or a gift? If the latter, why wasn’t it declared legitimately? How can Tessa Jowell claim not to know that a *joint* mortgage had been settled in full?

Just to prove that there’s humour to be found in every situation, here’s an excerpt from a large article in Saturday’s Guardian, describing the background of erstwhile Mills associate Marcello Dell’Utri…

“His trial was dominated by evidence from one of the most senior dons ever to turn prosecution witness: Antonino Giuffre, known as Manuzza, The Hand, because one of his hands is immobilised through polio.”

Ever get the feeling that we’re all just figments of the imagination of Mario Puzo?

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