Pete pointed out my blog silence, especially in relation to the election, on IRC earlier…
I haven’t been struck by the galloping political apathy that sweeps our nation… well, maybe I have. Except I’m not apathetic about voting, I’m apathetic about *talking about* voting. I just have so many confusing and muddled opinions, it’s impossible to summarise everything in a few pithy comments.
I’ll be voting Liberal Democrat in my constituency, simply because we have a great MP and because it’s the best way of keeping the Tories out. I’m basically a “Labour person” deep down, because most of their core ideologies match mine. However, several of those ideologies are being eroded with the new-Labour movement, and of course there’s the small matter of a war I totally disagreed with. Still, even the worst of Tony’s rightward shifts are far preferable (to me) than any Tory government I can imagine, so one of my primary wishes is that the Conservative party is never elected again. As I think I mentioned before, I grew up in a country that was governed for the benefit of the rich, the greedy and the unprincipled. I don’t want to see that happen again. But without a numerically strong opposition, the worst of Tony’s “reforms” can still go unchecked, so it’d be good to see that huge majority reduced… preferably to the benefit of the Lib Dems.
See? It’s all about “if”, “but” and “however”. Just like tactical voting, except on a national scale.
More specifically, though, I’d like to ask favours of the voters in a couple of constituencies out there…
The most notable thing about Erewash in Derbyshire is that it’s where that severely ludicrous man Robert Kilroy-Silk is standing for his Vanitas Veritas party. Now, if you live in that constituency, I’ll be happy for you to make up your own minds, but if you do feel the urge to vote for one of the “other” parties, please make sure it’s not Kilroy. As Jeremy said earlier… for the love of GOD vote Militant Elvis!
And down in Folkestone we have a very interesting situation. In 2001, the combined Labour and Lib Dem voters could have beaten Michael Howard by over 7% if they’d all tactically voted one way or the other. Now, wouldn’t it be great if they could get it right this time? Here’s a hint… Maureen Tomison, the Labour candidate, has a rather shady past as a lobbyist with some very important Tory friends and even as a Tory election candidate. Go on, people of Kent!