Dinnerlog #1

Not sure how long I’ll keep this going, and it’s more for my own future curiosity than as a proper “food blog”, but…


Lamb & Olives
Salsa di Pomodoro
Puy Lentils

We don’t eat much red meat, but found some lamb in the freezer. The lamb recipe is from Valentina Harris’s “Regional Italian Cookery” (coat your thin-sliced lamb in flour, fry in olive oil and then stew a few mins longer in chopped black olives and juice of a lemon).

The other two bits are from the Guardian’s free booklets containing extracts from Jamie Oliver’s latest, Jamie’s Italy. Both dead simple. Cook the lentils (with a whole clove of garlic) in boiling water, drain away practically all the water, mash and stir in the garlic, add a few glugs of olive oil and a couple of tbsp of red wine vinegar. For the salsa, cook a finely chopped onion, a small cinnamon stick and a couple of thinly sliced garlic cloves in olive oil until soft, add a tin of chopped tomatoes and a tbsp of red wine vinegar. Stew until thickened (about 30 mins).


Pork & Leek Sausages (from M&S)
Sweet Potato Mash
Onion & Red Wine Gravy

The sausages and sweet potato mash are self explanatory, although I think sweet potato can stand to be mashed quite coarsely… it seems to suit the more fibrous texture. Added a knob of butter and a splash of milk at the mashing stage, just as I would for normal potato. Got the gravy recipe from yesterday’s Guardian magazine.

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